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【世界OMEPより】ユネスコ アフガニスタンの教育報告書(20年間の検証) “The rights to education: What's at stake in Afghanistan? ...






The whole world is concerned about the situation in Afghanistan. Objective and well-founded information is needed to understand what is really going on.

UNESCO has launched a report that takes stock of the achievements in education made by Afghanistan during the last 20 years and establishes immediate actions to safeguard the right to education of all boys and girls.

Although Afghanistan lags far behind South and West Asian countries in most development indicators, it has made impressive progress in education over two decades. But the challenges remain colossal, as many school-age children are not enrolled.

The country relies heavily on external aid to maintain its educational system and therefore requires the international community to support and assist the Afghan people.

Knowing, understanding and having a critical vision will be important in advocating for the right to early childhood education and care for all children.



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