OMEP se manifiesta por la paz / OMEP stands for peace / L'OMEP manifeste pour la paix
Dear colleagues: Responding to the shared concern about the war, we have launched a strong message in favor of peace and disarmament in the 3 official languages of OMEP, appealing to the responsibility of all governments and communities in the world to ensure the protection of Human Rights of children and their families. We understand that the war in Ukraine is unacceptable and must be stopped immediately. Therefore, we strongly request that all those involved in the conflict engage in dialogue and reach a peaceful resolution. As you know, since 1948 our founding values are based on peace among human beings, to ensure a fair and good world for children. That is why we also claim and reaffirm the action of the first World President of OMEP, Alva Myrdal, who in 1982 received the Nobel Peace Prize for her work in favor of disarmament and nuclear weapons-free zones. We appreciate watching and SHARING the message in the following links: Facebook: Instagram: In the attachment you will also find the graphic pieces separately. Likewise, we tell you that we have received messages from different committees and from OMEP representatives in the United Nations system and in UNESCO, which we responded to individually and will soon share on our website, since the conflict continues. Cordially, Mercedes.
