Dear OMEP friends,
In behalf of OMEP-France, I would like to wish you a year of peace, fraternity and solidarity.
Let the children of the whole world have a happy childhood and access to quality education for a sustainable future !
Best regards,
Présidente OMEP-France
親愛なるOMEPフレンズの方々 OMEPフランス委員会を代表して、皆様に平和と友愛と連帯の年をお祈り申し上げます。 世界中の子どもたちに幸せな子ども時代を過ごさせ、持続可能な未来のための質の高い教育を受けさせましょう。 最上の敬意を込めて ダニエル・ペリュション OMEPフランス委員会代表 ※ 翻訳協力 OMEP日本委員会理事 大庭三枝
Greetings from OMEP Italy
Dear presidents, colleagues and friends, best wishes for a happy new year.
2019 will see us still engaged in the creation of a Omep national section: in order to offer a significant contribution to the valuable work of our organization, also from Italy.
We will gladly do it with commitment, creativity and a deep sense of responsibility: together with you all, at the service of the children of the world.
Matteo Corbucci