OMEP Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2019 in KYOTO, JAPAN
September 5 (Thu) - 7 (Sat), 2019
OMEP(世界幼児教育・保育機構)アジア・太平洋地域大会 2019 in 京都
OMEP Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2019 in Kyoto has been successfully closed with your cooperation. Thank you!
OMEPアジア・太平洋地域大会2019 in京都が、皆様のご協力の下、無事終了したことをご報告申しあげます。3日間の大会には、500人近くの参加者(うち海外からは約100人)がありました。今大会の準備から終了まで、様々な形でお力を尽くしていただきました皆様、ご参加の皆様に、心より感謝申しあげます。
OMEP Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2019 in Kyoto has been successfully closed with your cooperation. There were nearly 500 participants (of which about 100 were from overseas) in the 3-day conference. Thank you to all who participated and thank you for your cooperation.
At the closing ceremony, based on the discussion of the 3-day regional conference, the Declaration of OMEP APR Conference 2019 in Kyoto, Japan was issued. Please have a look.
Declaration of OMEP Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2019 in Kyoto, Japan (PDF)