Research Presentation

Research Presentation
Presentations List(Poster)(pdf)
Presentation Qualification
Only the individual member of OMEP JAPAN, or overseas participants can be the primary presenter (first author).
(Only Japanese participants) Non-OMEP member can only be as a co-presenter.
* All overseas participants can be either the primary or co- presenter.
* Presentation application of co-presenter will make within the application of primary presenter.
The primary presenter need to register by "3-days registration" (One-day participation nor Students are excepted)
Types of presentation
Language to use: English.
1) Oral Presentations
15 minutes presentation in oral presentations session (in DAY 2(9/6) 15:30-17:40).
2) Poster Presentations
60 minutes with presenter available to discuss topics with delegates (in DAY 2(9/6) 14:30-15:30). Posters should be on display (width 90cm x length 170cm) for three days during the conference.
Categories of presentation
SDG 4.2
Children’s Rights
Professional Development
Diversity of ESD
To Presenter
Guidelines for Participants/ Presenters (pdf)
(1) Oral presentations (Day 2 (Friday, September 6) 15:30-17:40)
Guidelines for Presentation
Each presentation room is equipped with a computer, one video projector, and one projector screen. Please store your presentation files on a USB drive in advance and bring it. There will be a conference staff in each room and please approach them if you need help using the computer.
Each oral presentation room is scheduled for five or six individual presentations and Q&A sessions. Each presenter will have 20 minutes (15 minutes for your presentation and 5 minutes for the Q&A session). Staff will time each presenter and will give a bell ring notification to them at 3 minutes and at 1 minute before time is up.
If you wish to provide handouts to accompany your presentation, please bring at least 50 handouts beforehand.
Your presentation is grouped according to one of five categories.
Notice for presentation data and handouts
Projector and PC (Windows 10 with PowerPoint, Word, Excel, and PDF reader.) are available at each room. When you use the PC, please bring your data by USB.
The projector can be connected via analog VGA (D-sub 15 pin.) or HDMI. The outlet is A type 2-PIN (125 V, 10/15 A.). If you need a conversion adapter to connect your PC to a projector, please prepare it yourself.
Be sure to check the operation of your presentation and PC before the session will start.
If you wish to distribute the handout copies, please prepare and distribute them yourself before the presentation. We can't keep it in advance and/or copy them at the conference office. There is a paid copy machine in the hall.
(2) Poster presentations (Day 2 (Friday, September 6) 14:30-15:30)
Guidelines for Presentation
Your posters will be on display for three days during the conference from September 5 to September 7th. You can display from 10:30 on September 5.
Each poster presenter is required to stand by their poster from 14:30 to 15:30 on the 6th of September and to have a discussion with the audience.
Please note that the presentation may not be certified if the poster is not displayed by the time of discussion.
Notice for displaying posters
The poster board is 90cm wide x 210cm long (A0 size). Considering the top and bottom margins, we recommend poster size 170cm long or less.
Please indicate the title, the name of the presenter and the affiliation at the top of your poster.
Pins for displaying posters are on each poster board.
Posters can be on display from 10:30 on Day 1 (Thursday, September 5) and will be on display for three days during the conference. Please display your poster by 12:30 (before the opening ceremony starts). If your arrival is delayed, please display as soon as you arrive at the venue.
Please remove your poster after the conference (by 13:00 on Saturday, September 7.). Please note that uncollected posters will be removed.