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 シンガポールでは、認可されたプリスクールを管理する機関は、幼児開発局(Early Childhood Development Authority:ECDA)です。ECDAは、園が従わなければならないガイドラインを提供しています。その中には、教室内での安全な距離の取り方、登園可能・不可能な時間帯、スタッフの配置、清掃・消毒、園の閉鎖時期、接触者の追跡など、園の運営に関するあらゆる分野の措置が含まれています。




Managing Covid19 in Singapore Preschools

 OMEP Singapore is organizing a Webinar on managing covid19 in Singapore preschools.

 Managing safe distancing rules is tough, let alone for preschoolers.

 In Singapore, the governing body for licenced preschools is the Early Childhood Development Authority (ECDA). ECDA provides guidelines that schools must follow. These include measures on all areas of preschool operations including - safe distancing within the classrooms, when children can/can't come to school, deployment of staff, cleaning and sanitizing, when preschools must shut, contact tracing, and much more.

 In this webinar, panelists will share how all the rules that need to be in place, including the challenges they face and how they overcome these challenges. We welcome you to join us in this webinar.

 Registration details, and more details about the webinar are below:-

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