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【世界OMEP】OMEP: Theory Into Practice No.3発刊

 World Tescher’s Dayに合わせ、OMEP: Theory Into Practice (TIP) No.3が発刊されました。


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<OMEP:Theory Into Practiceについて>





・論文タイトル L’Éducation à la Paix dans la Petite Enfance

・(邦題: 幼児期における平和教育)

OMEP Theory Into Practice, aspires to become a tool to share the knowledge of OMEP colleagues as a community of practice committed to early childhood education and care. The first issues were published in English, and by 2020 the OMEP Executive Committee decided to carry out this third issue in Spanish and French, which are also the official languages of the organization. The fact that it is virtual allows readers to contact people from different areas. This multicultural and geographically diverse view clearly enriches the proposal with a variety of professional and human perspectives. Colleagues from Argentina, Colombia, Cuba, Chile, Japan, Spain, Mexico, Russia and Uruguay participated in this edition.

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